Hey Salesforce enthusiasts! We’ve got some thrilling news about the latest enhancements to SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language). Whether you’re a developer, admin, or just a Salesforce geek, these updates are bound to make your querying life a lot smoother. Let’s dive into the details!
Revamped Error Codes
Say goodbye to the old D_QUERY_FILTER_OPERATOR error code and hello to MALFORMED_QUERY. This change aims to make error messages more intuitive and easier to debug.
Enhanced Functionality
One of the coolest updates is that negative currency values are now permissible in queries. This means you can run queries like:
SELECT Name FROM Invoice__c WHERE Balance__c < EUR-300
No more workarounds needed for those negative balances!
Improved Error Messages
Salesforce has polished the error messages to be more descriptive and helpful. Here are some examples:
Invalid SOQL queries:
unexpected token: ‘<EOF>’
unexpected token: ‘everything’
More than two nested functions:
expecting a right parentheses, found ‘(’
unexpected token: ‘(’
Unexpected token quotes:
unexpected token: AND
unexpected token: ‘AND’
Using NULL literals in WHERE statements:
invalid operator
unexpected token: ‘OR’
Invalid datetime literals:
line 1:67 mismatched character ‘5’ expecting set ‘0’..’3′
Invalid datetime: 2020-12-12t12:12:00-25:00
Using “WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED” without proper context:
SECURITY_ENFORCED not allowed in this context
rule soqlWithIdentifierClause failed predicate: {this.helper.allowApexSyntax() && this.helper.hasApexContext()}
Important Considerations
A quick heads-up: Running SOQL queries against DMOs might consume Data Services credits from your Data Cloud subscription. Be cautious when using features like ‘FOR’ loops, query locators, recursion, or any mechanism that results in multiple queries to Data Cloud. For a detailed breakdown of usage billing, check out the Data Cloud Billable Usage Types documentation.
These updates are set to make your SOQL querying experience more efficient and error-free. So, go ahead and explore these new features in your Salesforce org, and happy querying!
Stay tuned to SalesforceMonday for more exciting updates and tips!
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